About Us

"It's very soft and comfortable and it smells good! I also like it because it's like a sleeping bag only it's better because it's organic and because it's good for the environment and good for me!"
~James age 9

My baby James and I danced through the house. He was always in my arms. I just couldn't put him down!

He never went through the terrible twos and I never had to leave a grocery store for a temper tantrum. I found that being home with him and him being the center of my world enabled him to feel confident and COMPLETELY loved.

His heart was happy and you could see it in the way he expressed.

I fostered a love of nature, of play, respect for each other, and trying our best. The world is a place for learning and the most important lesson is LOVE.

We had and still have a beautiful relationship, my son and I.


It was a difficult task finding organic products when he was a baby and it still was now at the time of sending him to school.

I saw parents loaded down with armfuls of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals for naptime. I struggled with finding a comfortable, organic blanket to send James with for naptime. I wanted him to feel the warmth of being home and yet know he was resting in fabric safe for his tender skin.

Our Enchanted Slumber Sleeper was created during these days. I took sewing classes and started designing a sleeping bundle that would be organic and easy for children at naptime.

Soon enough, most of his classmates had one too! I patented the design and started bringing them to children's boutiques. It has been a great joy and a great journey of learning.

I am confident in the product we have created and hope that it brings joy to all the children who snuggle in one.


Enchanted Slumber was created out of necessity - we could not find what we wanted for our children.

That is, something for our children to sleep in that would be safe for their health, aesthetically pleasing, and made of sustainable materials.

Our sleeper was born - a soft, soothing sleeping bag that would make the child within it feel safe and warm.

Enchanted Slumber’s core values include pursuit of wellness, beautiful design, and environmental sustainability.


Anna is the creator and developer of the Enchanted Slumber product line. She is a devoted mother, and lover of life. She admires beauty, truth, and goodness and strives for this in her own life. It is from her love of children and of nature that her product line stems from. She believes things should be made well and made to last using the highest quality of materials that create the least amount of impact on our beautiful, life supporting Earth.